Saturday, December 20, 2008

Being Tall

I used to feel bad when I'd get teased for being so tall and lanky, and Mom always tried to remind me that they're just jealous!  Being slim and  tall is the way to be!  She'd say just wait until your in highschool and college.  Everyone will love your height and so will you.  Even though I didn't totally believe what she was saying, it made me feel a lot better.

xoxo Case

Paintings are up all around the house

Wow, this website is a great idea.  It's funny I woke up this morning really missing all you guys and wishing we were together.  I was also feeling the same way about mom - trying to think of some way we could  think about her on special occasions - like mothers day, so this is a really nice way to start a new tradition.  I have her painting up around the house and they always remind me of what a special presence she still is in my life and how she made such a wonderful family for us all. 
