Saturday, December 20, 2008

Being Tall

I used to feel bad when I'd get teased for being so tall and lanky, and Mom always tried to remind me that they're just jealous!  Being slim and  tall is the way to be!  She'd say just wait until your in highschool and college.  Everyone will love your height and so will you.  Even though I didn't totally believe what she was saying, it made me feel a lot better.

xoxo Case

Paintings are up all around the house

Wow, this website is a great idea.  It's funny I woke up this morning really missing all you guys and wishing we were together.  I was also feeling the same way about mom - trying to think of some way we could  think about her on special occasions - like mothers day, so this is a really nice way to start a new tradition.  I have her painting up around the house and they always remind me of what a special presence she still is in my life and how she made such a wonderful family for us all. 


Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mothers Day when I was 17 ( I think)

A funny memory I had was that I wanted to give something alternative to mom for mothers day.  Instead of flowers or a card, I got her a remote control car, lol. I am talking a full out RC car with big tires.  She thought it was hilarious - and then I realized she was such a great sport.  It goes to show how comfortable I was with her - and how everything was fun.

There is a photo of us (probably deep in some boxes) of mothers day a while back, we were all at a dinner, and they had a hokey photographer taking pictures, and putting it in an instant card - we went for it, and it ended up looking really great actually.  I am happy we got the photo done.

So happy the site is up, its a great way to share a thought real quick! - Colin

Janet Always Listened

When you all were growing up one of the most important aspects of her rearing was to always, I mean always, speak to you and see what the problem was and could she help you to resolve it. Of course that was when you all were in your early pre-teen years. Janet always listened and gave you all a chance to speak what you had to say.
She certainly wasn't strict but she laid the law down. She was a wonderful mother; Gail and I were very proud of her. Sometimes I couldn't believe that she would be in agreement to letting the 3 of you try something new or possibly a little dangerous. Of course she discussed most things with Joe too.
If I had to say something short and sweet it was she trusted you all even as little tots. She gave all of you so much love and didn't think much about herself when you were all young. That was a trait of my mom too; your grandmother Alice, the children always came first.

- LOL!!! Love
Aunt Jill Gray

Janet Genevieve McCabe

Each of us is given a certain amount of days on earth.
When Divine decides that we have fulfilled our time, we return to Divine. Janet had completed her time here.
You may not know that Janet and Joe were meditating way before I had ever even heard of meditation. It is unusual to have all 3 siblings, Janet, Jill and I interested in meditating. That tells you something about our soul heritage.
One of the most wonderful things about your mom is that she provided an atmosphere that allowed you kids to be naturally creative from a very early age, without TV or man made gimmicks for children and then she created along with you kids. This developed a lasting bond between Janet and all the kids.

- Blessings & Love
Aunt Jane Gail Germaine Gray

Mother's Day 2008

Here are a few happy memories I want to share for Mother's Day:

1.I loved sitting on the porch, talking with Mom about teachers, art classes, high school gossip while petting the cats and drinking tea.

2.Another memory I like to remember: We made a huge mess of the kitchen table. There were tubes of paint, paper, canvas, bowls of water, brushes and vegetables everywhere. We painted with watercolors and I still remember her painting of a cucumber and onion. If I had it today I'd hang it up in my kitchen to remember that day.

3.I loved how she liked to talk about Kiersten, Colin and I. She would say the very best things about us and never hesitated to tell us how proud she is of us and how lucky she was to have such nice kids.

4.I remember being very young, Mom and I washing our hands at some pick nick location.
A lady beside us was screaming at her daughter to hurry up already. The girl was crying. Mom said to me "I just don't get why people have kids if they are going to act like they don't want them. I always wanted a family and am so happy I have you guys."

~ Love Casey